Install specific docker version on CentOS 7.4

# yum --showduplicates list docker-ce

# yum install docker-ce-17.09.1.ce-1.el7.centos


# dnf list --showduplicates openssl-libs

Show which package owns file

$ rpm -qf /usr/lib64/


Show package's file list

$ rpm -ql compat-openssl10




Find package for yet not installed command

yum whatprovides route

Find package owns file in repos

$ dnf whatprovides '*bin/mongod'


$ yum whatprovides '*bin/mongod'

List files in installed rpm

# rpm -qlp /home/nkonev/Документы/libidn11-1.28-6.1.x86_64.rpm

предупреждение: /home/nkonev/Документы/libidn11-1.28-6.1.x86_64.rpm: Заголовок V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 3dbdc284: NOKEY



List files not yet installed package

$ dnf repoquery -l java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel

$ dnf repoquery -l bcc-tools-0:0.12.0-3.fc32.x86_64

List package dependencies

# dnf repoquery --whatrequires podman

# yum deplist haproxy

List dependents

repoquery -q --whatrequires pcre

rpm -q --whatrequires seabios-bin

Installing modules

dnf module install nodejs:15

dnf install nodejs

The dialog in the new Fedora 35

bash: oc: command not found...

Install package 'origin-clients' to provide command 'oc'? [N/y]

is shown by PackageKit

rpm -q --requires haproxy

Install specific git branch via npm

npm install git:// --save

npm install --save "git://"


Link 2

npm show globally installed path from here

npm list -g


├── corepack@0.10.0

├── create-vuetify@1.0.7

├── npm-check-updates@16.0.5

├── npm@8.1.0

├── rollup@3.5.1

└── yarn@1.22.19

Install specific git commit or tag via go get

go get

go get

When updating "non-default" version, to fix go: invalid version: go.mod has post-v2 module path "" at revision v2.1.2

go get